Another year, another change

Well that’s the first proper week of the new year under our belts (along with quite a large quantity of Christmas food which has taken up residence under my belt), so what have we been up to?

Nicky has been back to a full five day working week, though with the schools still being on holiday and lots of people still away, it has been a bit quieter than “usual”. She started the week off by un-decorating the Christmas tree and getting it ready for me to recycle while having her breakfast on Monday morning. I took the rest of the decorations down later in the day, after collecting a couple of Macs to work on at home.

Monday and Tuesday were gorgeous hot sunny days, and then a bit of cloud the rest of the week with some showers on Thursday (which was because I had washed the towels and was trying to dry them!!!). So, we have had dinners on the Ratigan and 40° in the roof which generally means it has been a reasonable week.

Our big news is Claire and Ryan moving to Dunedin. They brought their washing machine over on Monday evening for me to sell on TradeMe. On Tuesday they picked up the trailer but it caused problems with Ryan’s dad’s car, so that plan had to be abandoned. Claire and Ryan set off in their car with just the essentials on Wednesday morning and reached Dunedin by Thursday evening, very tired. We have spoken to them this evening and they are starting to settle, but looking forward to having the rest of their stuff. We don’t yet know how it will be getting it there. Claire starts her new job tomorrow. It’s all a new adventure for them, and though we are missing them already, we hope it all goes really well for them.

I have seen Jancis a couple of times for a Mac tutorial (she has decided to come over from the dark side) and to set up her backup. I went to see the GP on Friday morning for some more cream for my eczema, and he is referring me to the dermatologist again as it is not really improving and becoming much more difficult to live with. At best it is very irritating, at worst very painful. It is really starting to get me down, and I was very low on Saturday morning. The GP agreed with suggestions made by other people that swimming in the sea would probably be good for it, so I had a dip at Herne Bay on Friday as this looks like the closest good swimming beach to us.

Nicky and I went to Herne Bay again on Saturday afternoon, after Stella had been over for a game of Scrabble in the morning. It was quite dull so only a couple of other people there, but when we went round to Pt Chevalier beach (where we had a walk and an ice cream) it was quite busy - lots of big family groups enjoying the beach, sea and grassland.

Jan came round for a cup of tea after church this morning, and Nicky and I picked up Mitra and her mum and went to the domain for a Music in the Parks free jazz concert. Mitra and organised a picnic for us and Nicky bought us all ice cream later so we had a good afternoon enjoying the music and that fact that even though it was cloudy most of the time, the rain that came lasted less than a minute.

Take care,



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