2,192 days

This Saturday, the 14th, was our 6th year anniversary of arriving in New Zealand. We weren't quite sure how to celebrate as it felt a little less significant than the previous five anniversaries. I had bought some brioche on Friday so we had some toasted with scrambled eggs for breakfast, which was a nice treat. The day started off wet, (the weather forecast was predicting a generally wet day) so we decided to go and see a film (Jobs) and meet Claire for coffee at her morning break. Nicky popped up to the doctors to get her regular prescriptions renewed, and by the time we were setting off for St Lukes the sun was out! We enjoyed coffee with Claire and much to my surprise really enjoyed the film. We went straight from St Lukes to Henderson (in the sunshine) for Scrabbling with Stella and Steve. I came home (and did the ironing) while they had a second game and Steve dropped Nicky home on his way back. We whiled the evening away with DCI Banks on DVD.

One of the amusing things here is that the TV companies can be very sweet sometimes. One of them has just started advertising re-runs of Elementary, the US Sherlock Holmes series which isn't very good. However, to persuade the viewers to watch they don't call them repeats, but "Encore Screenings". Much more impressive, don't you think?

The big excitement this week has been the America's Cup. The races are being shown live at 8am & 9.15am each race day, which is quite convenient.  The fact the the Kiwi boat is doing so well is has helped capture the countries attention. It has become a very big thing.

Nicky has been as busy as ever at work, while I have had no paid work at all. Mary, Nicky's boss, is taking six months off work, and Farouk, the second in charge has been away, so for the last couple of weeks they have had a manager from Epsom in charge. This of course required a "leaving morning tea" on Friday morning. Any excuse for nosh.

Helen Henshall came over for dinner again on Monday evening as Warwick is still daughter and steam train visiting in the UK. Nicky and I have enjoyed watching Parade's End this week, which Ros loaned us on DVD. I wasn't enthusiastic to start with but it was more interesting than I expected. Benedict Cumberbatch was brilliant.

Today Nicky has been into prison (I stayed home and watched the boat racing) and we have had a quiet day at home, both of us feeling tired and just wanting to potter round.

That's all for now,
Take care, Rick


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