Spring like

It has been more like spring than winter here this week. Tuesday was a lovely sunny day, but Thursday and Friday were even better and warmer. Monday and Wednesday were good too, though we have had a little fog or dampness first thing some mornings. The rain returned for the weekend and with it a drop in temperatures.

I have had a mixed week with some Mac work and lots of house husbandry, while also slowly getting through the bug which seems to be similar to what Nicky had. I think I am now over it but it has left me tired and lethargic. I had lunch with Claire on Monday (at Columbus Coffee at the end of her road) and bought some Olde English Pork sausages from Nosh which made a very good pie. I moved my Mac back into the "office" on Thursday, though Stella's technology is still in residence. I will finish putting the rest of the office back together once Stella has full telecommunications in Henderson and can set her office up there. I saw Claire again on Friday (delivering backup drive) so it was a good excuse for more coffee at Columbus. Her Diploma certificate had arrived which is very nice.

Nicky has been busy at work again this week, and also had prison prayer group and life group meetings in the evenings, and a late night duty on Friday.

On Saturday I spent the morning doing a laptop upgrade, while Nicky pottered round the house and did some shopping in the pharmacy (for non-medicinal items). We went over to Stella's mid-day for Scrabble, and bought doughnuts and the like on the way from a patisserie which is not far from her new home. We then went to the cinema to see "Now You See Me" which started out OK but was ultimately disappointing. A poor ending and difficult to believe plot. We had beans on toast when we got home (yum) and a quiet night watching TV and making onion soup (N mainly).

Today after church Nicky went to see Ruth who is back at St Andrews, but currently in The Lodge. Paul and Jenny popped in on their way home from visiting friends out West, and Nicky made cheese scones to go with the soup.

Take care,


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