Open (or close) sesame

It has been quite routine but also busy this week.

A man came to fix the garage door on Monday, which took him just a few minutes. It was the tension on the spring which controls the pulleys which had got very loose and was causing the problem. He had to come back on Tuesday morning as it stopped working again - the increased tension in the spring and the cold night meant the motor needed adjusting - which took a few seconds. It took me 24 hours to regain my confidence in the door but all has been going well since.

My sister called and emailed on Tuesday morning to say that mum had slipped and fallen in the dinning room and broken her right hip. She had not been there very long before being found by the first carer of the day who called an ambulance. She had a plate and screws inserted in on operation on Wednesday morning and is going to be in hospital for awhile. She has found it all very confusing and can't remember why she is in hospital.

Nicky has been busy at work. The staffing changes are making everybody quite unhappy. It is known that people will have to move from New Lynn to other libraries to harmonise the staffing levels across the 55 libraries, but no one yet knows who is going to move where or when. Other than house group on Wednesday evening she has been home each evening, which has been a relief for her.

I have had some Mac work every day but Thursday this week, and also two modelling jobs - Helensville on Monday evening and Kumeu on Saturday morning. Both are groups of enthusiastic amateurs who are good to work for.

On Wednesday Nicky and I had lunch with Claire at a café which has opened in the new development by New Lynn library. It was good to get together, especially as Claire and Ryan went off on holiday today for a couple weeks. I'm on fish feeding, dehumidifier emptying and post checking for the duration.

While I was out yesterday morning, Nicky and Stella went to have another look at the house on Taylor Street and do some measuring. We all spent the rest of the day at home pottering around with shopping, laundry, cooking, and a bit of Mac work (at home) for me.

We have been having sunshine and showers for most of the week so Stella and I have been second guessing the weather. Today however it has been easy, as the rain is lashing against the windows and it is not as warm as it was. Nicky was in prison this morning, and it has been good weather for Scrabbeling this afternoon.

Take care,


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