Just in case . . .

It is a sunny Thursday afternoon in Auckland as I write this dear reader. I thought I would post something now just in case I am not able to on Sunday evening, as I know some of you have regular habits based on the fact that I normally post on a Sunday evening, NZ time. We expect to be in Farnborough this Sunday evening, and I don't know what our internet access will be like.

The week so far, with the exception of this morning's rain, has been sunny and warm with a pleasant breeze. Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous with clouds only appearing on the distant horizon. Lunches have been taken on the Ratigan, with only a pair of shorts being required. Why are we leaving this weather behind I ask myself?

I have spent most of my time doing the final things to prepare for our trip, and helping Stella, Katie and Tim settle into our home. Barry fixed the dishwasher door for us on Tuesday afternoon in record-breaking time (about half an hour) which he was very pleased about.

I did some work in town yesterday morning and then called in to see Claire on the way back and scrounge a lift home (in exchange for a piece of lasagne).

Nicky has been very busy at work with having to get things organised before going away. She went to house group with Jancis last night, and even though she still has a cough, she is on the mend.

That's all for now. We will see some of you soon.
Take care, Rick


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