Not as wet

The autumn rain made its presence felt for the beginning of the week, but sunshine interleaved with showers from Thursday onwards, following major thunder and lightening on Wednesday evening.

Work kept me busy on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening. In between times I performed my usual duties and continued getting things ready for our trip to the UK.

Nicky has been at work even though she is still not completely well. She is improving little by little but wasn't up to prison prayer group on Monday night. On Tuesday afternoon we had an excursion to Mt Roskill for her mammogram. 

Thursday was a public holiday for ANZAC day, and we went over to help Stella with packing up, prior to departing from Duart Avenue on Friday. This all went pretty well, and Stella, Katie and Tim are now with us and preparing themselves for their new roles as our house sitters.

Saturday was a day for errands - collecting Claire's IKEA chair from Jancis and Nicky's new eternity ring (and he wedding and engagement rings) from the jeweller in Ponsonby. The three rings look really good together. Steve and Ros came over for Scrabble in the afternoon. We had a wallow in the hot pools in Parakai in the evening. Today has been more getting things organised at home and considering what to pack for our trip.

This will be our last post from New Zealand for awhile. I will try and keep you up to date with our trip while we are in the UK but am not sure what quality of internet access we will have.

Until next time, take care


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