Bringing in the count

Even though autumn has now officially started, it has been a largely sunny, warm and sometimes hot week. This weekend has been particularly good, with two days of blue skies and very little cloud. At around 4pm this afternoon as I was sunning myself on The Ratigan, it was 28°C in the lounge (with all the windows and the ranch sliders open) and 41°C in the roof. I guess it was somewhere in-between where I was.

Nicky has been pretty busy at work as usual. The new medical centre and car park next to the library is now almost complete. MacRay Way, which runs between them, was officially opened yesterday, and I think the car park too. The medical centre should open in April, and the retail units look like they are ready to be filled with tenants.

Jancis and Sandra came over for dinner on Tuesday, and it was not quite good enough to BBQ so I grilled the steak. Jancis went to house group with Nicky on Wednesday, and Nicky took Sandra to see the lights of Auckland from the top of Mt Eden on Thursday evening. Apparently Sandra was captivated. Nicky was working late on Friday so I had made her a doctors appointment for first thing to get her regular medications renewed. He says she is doing well. I have certainly noticed that she can hear better with her glasses on and see better with her hearing aids in - and I would have thought it would have been the other way round, but that's librarians for you.

Tuesday was also eventful for me as I had a full dental examination (with multiple X-rays) which revealed I need another filling replacing, and my passport arrived!!!!! I can now get out of the country and back in again! Just like a real Hobbit, though the passport doesn't mention Warner Brothers.

My week has been dominated by census work. We had collection training on Monday, and then checking of vacant properties on Tuesday (census day). Since then I have been collecting. About 28% of the people in my area have done their forms on-line, which is great for me because I don't have to go and visit them.

I did a modelling job at Helensville on Monday evening, and was very touched when Pauline, the organiser and I suspect driving force behind the group, gave me one of the pictures she had created during the evening. It is now hanging in our hallway. It is the first time any one has offered me one of the pictures they have created of me, and I am very pleased to have it.

Yesterday I did a Mac job in the morning, then more census collecting in the afternoon. Nicky popped over to see Ruth and cooked a meal for Elaine and Rodney. Elaine is a member of her house group and is very ill with cancer at the moment.

Ruth insisted that Nicky brought home the cream doughnut and custard swirls which she had bought and they didn't eat for afternoon tea. We thoroughly enjoyed finished them off with a cup of tea on The Ratigan after it had gone dark, because the wind dropped and it was a balmy evening for sitting and watching the Milky Way. We turned the lights of in the house and had 20-30 minutes just gazing at the sky, munching swirls and sipping tea. Wonderful.

Today I have done a bit more census collecting and the ironing, while Nicky has been to church and delivered the meal to Elaine and Rodney. She also delivered a repaired top and binder to Claire, and Scrabbled too. I have been lazing in the sun this afternoon, and we have just come in after having tea on The Ratigan as the wind is quite cool and the sun is getting lower.

That's all for now,
Take care, Rick


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