Waitangi Day week

Waitangi Day on Wednesday was the highlight of this week, and not just because it was a public holiday. It is New Zealand's National Day; a day for celebrating New Zealand and all things Kiwi, and the weather came to the party big time - we didn't see a cloud all day until we nipped down to the airport to pick up Jancis. The roof temperature peaked at 38°C, and the coolish breeze just nicely took the edge off the heat of the direct sun.

We started the day off with a very late breakfast of croissants on the Terrance. Nicky spent much of the day washing and ironing quilting fabrics which Stella has given her. I spent some time in the garage, looking for the last 14 of the 60 Penguin 20th Century Classics set. Claire had asked if she could borrow them to read. We discovered that we probably have 61, but couldn't find 2 of them. I also rationalised some boxes (into the recycling wheelie bin) and extracted three pictures so as to ring the changes a little with the art on the walls. We are a bit limited because we can't use picture hooks and the sick-on hooks that we can use can't take a great weight, so many of our framed and glassed pictures are just too heavy. Anyway, it is nice to have a few different pieces up.

After fruit (including a very nice mango) and yoghurt for lunch, Nicky continued with her fabric marathon while I did some sunbathing. Mid afternoon Jancis rang from Christchurch to say that her plans had changed, and instead of picking her up from the airport on Saturday, could we meet her later in the afternoon. This we did and she came home with us for corn-on-the-cob and scones. It was a very good day.

The weather at the beginning of the week was a bit damp, but since Wednesday it has been lovely. A couple of days have started with some cloud but this has soon cleared and we have had floor to ceiling sunshine.

Nicky has been as busy as ever at the library, while I have only had one Mac job which I might not end up invoicing as I didn't actually make any progress for the customer. I did some modelling on Monday night in Helensville which was really good, and then on Friday I was interviewed by a journalist from Radio NZ about my modelling work. The Wallace Art Trust is doing a Male Nudes exhibition at the Pah Homestead at the moment (a venue we like for the building, grounds and café) and he was talking for various artists, tutors and models to put a piece together. I think it will be transmitted on Sunday 17th as part of the Arts on Sunday programme. We intend to pop along at some time to see the exhibition, and to find out if I am in any of the pictures (which I doubt).

Other than that I have been reducing my pain relief as my jaw and wound site improve, and I haven't taken any so far today and it's not been too bad. Much of the end of the week and the weekend has been consumed with my census home study which I have had to complete before next week's training. I saw Claire on Friday while delivering the Penguin books and my drive and she made me dry her dishes while I was there :)

Yesterday Nicky went off to see June on Matata Street in the morning, and shopped for new fabric cutter blades, followed by Scrabbeling. We are really enjoying our outdoor furniture and just being able to walk out onto the Terrance with a meal or a drink and/or a book.

Today Nicky was at church in the morning and then off to prison this afternoon. I have been finishing my census studies and walking round my district, along with enjoying the sun.

That's all for this week,
Take care,


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