Eating on The Ratigan - Updated

It feels like it has been a busy week, though I think that is largely due to the last few days.  I spent most of Friday driving all over town doing four short Mac jobs. On Saturday I started delivering census forms, which I continued today while Nicky got the house and food ready for Bruce and Wendy's arrival (Peter Cocker's cousin and his wife).

Anyway, the week has been one of good sunny weather, with just a bit of rain on a couple of mornings. On Tuesday I spent the day in training for the delivery of census forms. I am one of 7,000 collectors in NZ who will deliver the forms ready for census day on March 5th, and then collect those which have not been completed on the Internet. In the evening Jancis came over for pancakes so we introduced her to pancake stacks (three pancakes with bacon, banana and maple syrup in them, topped with lemon yoghurt). We ate on the Terrance, which when I explained the name to Jancis she said "as in Terrance Ratigan", which inspired me to rename it The Ratigan, as that sounds sufficiently elegant for taking my wife to for dinning (and breakfasting and lunching actually). We had another lovely evening, enjoying the day cooling down while stuffing ourselves with pancakes.

Nicky and Jancis went to the Ash Wednesday service at St Dominics together, while I zipped over to Henderson to pick up a Mac, only be be thwarted by the fact the customers son had been taken into hospital and she wasn't there. I did manage to pick it up on Thursday and get it into Ubertec.

Our other excitement, which also happened on Friday, was Music in the Parks at the Blockhouse Bay Reserve (by the beach basically). Jancis joined us again, and we bought fish, and steak burger and chips (spud and kumera) on the way down to the beach. We had another enjoyable evening like last year, with a little rain, and loads more people. I would guess three times as many. The council isn't putting on as many free concerts this year in order to cut costs, and the BHB one was also one of the "top five". Jancis bought us coffee and hot chocolate as the sun went down and we wandered our weary way home around 10.30.

As I mentioned earlier we had a busy Saturday, so watched the last in the series of Frost with bottle of rosé and a packet of GrainWaves. That's both Frost and Lewis over now, so our weekend evening viewing of decent British drama has come to end for awhile.

Wendy and Bruce duly arrived on Sunday afternoon, and we had a great afternoon and evening with them. Not long before their arrival the piece which included my interview was on the radio. For any of you how may be interested you can hear it here:

Nicky organised a high tea with a fantastic range of sandwiches, cake and scones. Claire and Ryan and Steve and Ros also came over to join us which was great. We took W&B up to Mt Eden and managed to get there about 10 minutes before the sun set, so we saw the lights of the city starting to illuminate the view while we strolled round the crater. Bruce, being a geologist, thought this was wonderful.

So there you go, that's the updated version.
Bye for now,


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