'twas the week before Christmas...

It is a warm and muggy afternoon as I sit down down to write this week's post and cudgel my brain into action. We are being approached by another tropical storm which looks like it is going to give us a wet Christmas. Apparently, in the last 15 years there have been 8 where a tropical storm was over NZ at Christmas. It makes me wonder if any of the local bookies take bets on a "sunny Christmas" in the same was that some UK bookies will on a "white Christmas". I am writing in the afternoon as opposed to this evening as we have a couple of decent telly progs on tonight and as such things are in the minority on NZTV, we try and catch them when the opportunity comes along.

On Monday morning Nicky and I went to the audiologists for the last consultation in her trial period. Everything with her hearing aids now seems to be settled so we don't need to see the audiologist again for at least a year, possibly two. I will be popping in ever so often during the next nine months to pick up the free batteries as Nicky requires them. Claire rang and asked if I fancied a swim (not that she needed a lift to the pool), so after lunch we went of to the Olympic in Newmarket. I am really out of shape and must try to swim more often.

The first major event of the week has been a visit from Rachel Sidda, my niece, who is working in Wanaka (Queenstown) for awhile and had a bit of free time so popped up to see us. Claire and I met her at the airport on Tuesday lunchtime. We bought lunch at our new sushi bar and walked down to the beach to eat. We came home as the rain set in and got quite wet. We took Claire home and then onto work and Rachel took the opportunity to do a bit of shopping in the mall as it was much cheaper than in Queenstown. Nicky had been seconded to BHB library for the afternoon and had a post-work hair appointment, so we had a late and leisurely dinner of carbonara. 

Claire and Rachel went to the zoo on Wednesday with a free ticket which Nicky had been given at work, and had a good day. The weather was warm and sunny so I also got some laundry done while making mince pies, lasagne and courgette flan. Nicky had her work Christmas breakfast on Thursday so left home very early (about 6.15am). Rachel and I went west to Bethalls Beach. We had a wander along the beach and paddled in the sea before stopping for lunch. The sun came out and prevented us walking over to O'Neills beach because the sand became too hot. The surf was very inviting and the life guards were on duty so we donned our togs and went in the sea. The very strong undercurrents have prevented me going in the sea on the west coast beaches in the past, but with the reassuring presence of the life guards we had a very enjoyable (though exhausting) hour or so in the water. We enjoyed dinner (the courgette flan and salad) on the deck when Nicky got home from work.

First thing Friday morning Nicky and I took Rachel to the airport for her 7am return flight to Queenstown. Nicky was working late and I had to pop up to Mairangi Bay before collecting the Christmas ham and turkey breast from the local butcher. I spent the afternoon making Christmas puddings.

Our second major event of the week was Paul's 70th birthday celebrations yesterday. Jenny and her staff (Anna and Naomi) laid on a sumptuous feast for friends and family. We were a little late in arriving because Nicky had been into work for the Christmas Carols which she had been tasked with organising and was a little late finishing. This didn't stop us having a very enjoyable afternoon, and consuming as much of Paul's ice cream cake as we could fit in. Afterwards, we delivered a cake and cards to Ruth Duffus before coming home, stuffed and tired. 

Nicky tries to highjack another ankle biter

Today has been a quiet day at home, with Nicky at church this morning, and Scrabbeling this afternoon. I have done the ironing, cooked the turkey breast ready to make the pies tomorrow, and made another Christmas pudding (number 3). I have another batch of mince pies to make now that I have got the pastry right.

The sunny weather we have had for most of the week has made us change to our summer quilt, and even though the cloud started to arrive yesterday, it is still warm and only dropping to about 17°C at night.

That's all for now,
Take care, Rick


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