Not long now…

As what was the New Year awhile back is now the Old Year in it's final hours (just about 26 to go), I sit down to post my last for 2012. You never know dear reader, 2013 might hold scintillating treats such as better writing, but I doubt it. This week, as happens every year, has been Christmas week. The weather was better than I had expected on Christmas Eve (Monday), quite hot, but that didn't stop me spending the day in the kitchen making cranberry topped turkey and ham pies. The Hairy Bikers suggested that each pie would make 4-6 servings, so I decided to make two as there would be some 20+ people sharing lunch. One would have been enough, but never mind, Nicky and I valiantly working our way through the second one. Claire and Ryan popped over in the evening to exchange gifts. They both seem to be well but tired, and it was good to see them. Nicky was pleased to be finishing work for a couple of days. The weather didn't start out well on Christmas Day (wet)...