Doing a Tom Stewart

Many years ago, when I was a student, I had the pleasure of listening to Tom Stewart giving a keynote speech at a conference. I think it might have been the IEA (International Ergonomics Association) Conference in Bournemouth. He was reporting on his research looking at "right action, wrong move" incidents ie: why do we sometimes do incorrectly a task that we have done correctly many times before? The example he gave was that of making tea (in a pot) and coffee (in a plunger). We have done this thousands of times without a problem, so why do we sometimes put coffee in the tea pot? We did the right action (substance into brewing vessel), but it was the wrong move (either chose the wrong substance or the wrong pot).

On Monday, while parking the car on a customer's drive, I did a Tom Stewart. Right action (press a pedal), wrong move (it wasn't the brake pedal). Result: I drove into a tree. The tree came out of it pretty well, and I wasn't hurt, but the front of poor Lilly (the car) was badly bent and the radiator was no longer holding itself together. The customer was very understanding and helpful, and I was only a couple of doors away from Claire, so she came round to give me some TLC. The insurance company organised a tow truck which arrived about 15 minutes later, and I got the bus home after chatting with Claire for awhile. We are now waiting for the result of the insurance company's assessment, but as Lilly is 15 years old I think there is a good chance they will write her off.

Tuesday was a quiet day at home for me, just doing the routine household things and coming to terms with to consequences of the previous day's events. On Wednesday morning I picked up a text from the husband of one of Nicky's work colleagues offering to lend us a car. After a quick chat with Nicky I accepted this very kind offer, so we now have wheels again, for awhile.

The other major event this week has been the weather. It has been tropically wet all week until yesterday. On Thursday we had some torrential rain and very strong winds, and north-west of use three men were killed by a tornado. They were in a truck on a building site when the concrete slab walls they were erecting were blown over by the tornado and crushed them. Our landlord and landlady also suffered. The storm water drain by the property next to us couldn't cope, and somehow by the magic of plumbing which is supposed to get waste water to flow up hill, back-flowed into their house, on the other side of us.

After such a week, is is good to report that we had a change in the weather yesterday, as the sun came out and stayed out with gorgeous blue skies which we have again this morning. The forecast suggests that the better weather should be with is for a few days, possibly even a couple of weeks.

On Friday evening I went to a BBQ, which was both an end-of-year thing and a farewell for Glen, the pastor up at Nicky's church who is moving on early next year. It was an good evening of conversation, and I enjoyed some Stoke Oatmeal Stout and the black pudding, bacon, tomato and mushroom kebabs which I had made, along with other (mainly meat) culinary delights.

Yesterday while we were pottering round the house we both enjoyed listening to "The Fabulous Fox Twins", a book about two Northern comedians (from near Featherstone) on the Working Men's Club circuit in the 1950's. We also went to see Skyfall (James Bond) early evening as we have Movie Money again, purchased with our FlyBuys rewards points that we get at the supermarket and the like. We enjoyed the film, but the cinema was cold, again.

Today has been a lovely sunny day. After church Nicky went up to Barefoot in the Bay with Jan for morning tea and a good long chat, so this gave me plenty of time to get the ironing done. After lunch Nicky made scones and I enjoyed the sun. While she Scrabbled I made ale house a bread and broccoli, potato and bacon soup, which we shared for tea with Kim, Shaun, Shani and Tai, followed by the scones and lovely strawberries and mince pies which Kim brought. It was good to see them all again.

That's all for now,
Take Care, Rick


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