Fish and chips...

At times this week it has really started to feel like summer is round the corner. I have broken out my shorts in response to the increasingly warm sunshine. It can still be a bit cool first thing in the morning, and the southerly wind still has a bite to it, but I am feeling optimistic.

Nicky has had a busy and stressful week at work, as the preparations for Christmas really start to kick-in. She also had to attend an induction session at the prison on Wednesday evening, which made for a long day.

I have had a reasonable week work wise, though mainly at the end of the week. I did an emergency job yesterday in a shop where they use a couple of Macs as "cash registers", as they used to be known in the olden days. I have also sold an old external drive on TradeMe (the local equivalent of eBay), which was good, as it was only my second proper trade.

Thursday was a very busy day for both of us at work, and the sunshine was very inviting. I didn't have time to get home and make a start on dinner, so I collected Nicky from the library on my way home from work, and we bought some fish and chips and ate them down at the beach. We had a very pleasant half hour, but once the sun had moved from where we were sitting we decided it was time for a cup of tea at home.

Yesterday morning we went off to a craft fair at Wiri, the prison where Nicky does her outreach work. We had planned to go onto the Botanic Gardens afterwards, but that part of town was cloudy and a little chilly, in contract to the sunshine at home in Blockhouse Bay. Instead we did some Christmas shopping in one of the Icebreaker outlet stores near the airport. For those who don't know, Icebreaker make Mario wool based clothes which are fantastic. Warm, non-itchy (even I can wear them), lightweight. and designed to be worn in layers. The outlet stores are significantly cheaper than the main stores in Newmarket and on Queen's Street, and they were having a sale too. In the evening we had our last wallow of the year in the hot pools in Parakai, and were again unsuccessful in the raffle. I think we have only won one prize this year.

Today has been a quiet day at home, enjoying the sun, reading and Scrabbling. 

Bye for now,
Take care, Rick


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