Going for Gold

We have had quite a bit of rain this week, but it hasn't diluted the Olympic fever at all. Every time I switch on the TV a Kiwi is winning a medal, usually Gold. I don't know if this means that the only events where medals are being won and that are interesting feature Kiwis, or if the local TV coverage is a little on the selective side. At the moment we have more medals than the Aussies, a fact which they find so offensive the sports coverage on Aussie TV Channel 9 is no longer showing NZ on the medal table!

I have been interested at my reaction to watching the Olympics. I have noticed that I am not particularly routing for Team GB. I think I am going native. Norman Tebbit would be proud. The exception was this morning, while watching the men's 10,000m. Mo Farah's victory brought a tear to my eye while munching on my Sultana Bran Xtra and vanilla yoghurt. I have also noticed with interest that the sports in which the commentators think New Zealand have a good chance of winning medals, the sailing, rowing, cycling and equestrian, all involve sitting down. Curious.

Nicky has had a change of routine this week, as not only had she been called for Jury Duty, but this time she was picked (3rd time lucky). The trail finished at lunchtime on Wednesday so she was back to work then, but it made a change and gave her some time to read and knit.

I have had some Mac work, and a couple of visits to the daughter, but have been keeping a bit of a low profile with having picked up Nicky's lurgy. It is a bug which is very popular with many other at the moment it seems. Interesting it coincides with being able to watch the 'lympics on the telly box.

Yesterday Nicky zipped off to Ranui for a quilting morning, and I did my fourth an final modelling session that I had been booked for. It has been the same pose for 3 hours for each of 4 consecutive Saturdays, so not much variety for me, but the money has paid a couple of bills which is good. We enjoyed watching the women's triathlon in the evening, even though the Kiwi favourite faded during the run and didn't get a medal. It was a good way of seeing some of the sights of London.

Today has been quiet, more watching the 'lympics (women's hockey team thrashing the Yanks), getting some laundry done, and playing of the Scrabble. Books have been read and food has been eaten. A quiet day.

Take care,


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