Winter's Here, honest

Winter began this week, on Friday, and to celebrate the Met Service gave us two glorious sunny days. We had some rain at the beginning of the week but, most of the time it has been OK.

Nicky has been battling with a cold, and took Wednesday off work because all the coughing was keeping her awake and causing her to vomit. A day of rest really helped.

I did some Mac work on Monday but the rest of the week has been largely domestic. On Thursday I went on a guided tour of the Wynyard Quarter, part of the waterfront which is undergoing redevelopment as a public area. It was very interesting to hear about some of the details behind what we see as the general public, the engineering, the art and the design decisions. It was entertaining and informative. I treated myself to some sushi on the way back to the bus stop on Queens Street, along with some window shopping.

Saturday, as many of you will know, was my birthday. The weather was fantastic; as sunny as Friday but the chilly southerly wind had dropped. We had a very late breakfast of pancakes, and made up a picnic lunch before heading out west for a wander along a beach. We had planned to go to Bethalls, but as we were so late in leaving we decided to go to Cornwallis instead as it is closer, and we hadn't yet been there. It was virtually empty, very calm, and got quite warm in the early afternoon sun. We didn't end up eating our picnic until we got home as we were still full with pancakes. Nicky had taken some time off which was owing to her on Friday afternoon to make my cake, a triple layer coffee sponge and chocolate mouse cake, and then on Saturday made French onion soup. Claire and Ryan came over for soup and cake at tea time and to watch me open presents. It was a very good day, and I even managed to get a couple of loads of washing done too!

Today hasn't been quite as good weather wise as there has been more cloud, but it has stayed fine. We have had a quiet day and I have started doing my birthday jigsaw - A Wallace and Gromit Matter of Loaf and Death.

Take care,


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