I've missed out again

We have had a very quiet, and disappointing week. Monday was a public holiday courtesy of the Queen's Birthday, and for the 52nd year in a row there was nothing for me in the honours list. More waiting.

In the small hours of Sunday morning Nicky started with a migraine, the first for 14 months. As a result, she has been off work all week apart from Friday. We finished my birthday jigsaw and enjoyed Monday's afternoon sun.

I did some Mac work on Tuesday, and Claire came over on Wednesday and took me to the Stardome to have a look at the transit of Venus (but it was too cloudy) and then joined us for lunch. On Wednesday evening we watched delayed coverage of the Jubilee concert which we quite enjoyed, and today Nicky has been given a recording of four hours of the Jubilee river pageant. Nicky and I have spent much of the week enjoying listening to an audio book of "Betrayal" by Clare Francis. It was a who-dunit written from the point of view of one of the suspects.

The weather has been a mixture of sunshine and showers all week, but at least it has not been as cold as in the South, where they have recorded some of the lowest daytime temperatures for 100 years.

We have only got two loads of washing done this weekend due to the weathers' lack of co-operation, but Scrabble has been played, ironing done and rugby watched (the All Blacks beat the Irish 42-10). Nicky and I went for a wander down to the Bay this afternoon, and it felt very autumnal, so we had interesting cabbage soup for tea.

That's all for now,
Take care, Rick


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