Four day week

After a stroll to the loo we popped round for a quick cup of tea with Letty, and then went and ate our cake with some ice cream which we bought on Narrow Neck Beach. As the afternoon started to turn to evening and the temperature started to drop we wandered home.
On Wednesday evening we hosted Nicky's Home Group "new year" social. The weather was good enough to BBQ and the griddles were chocker-block with steak, lamb and pork to go with a range of salad accompaniments. Socialising was halted at 8.30 prompt to watch the first part of the Downton Abbey Christmas special on the tellybox. Quite a few of the home group members stayed to watch with Nicky, and they all enjoyed it.
Nicky went to see the Doctor on Friday morning because her right shoulder has been giving her some grief since being knocked down. He thinks she just need some anti-inflamatories and these seem to be helping already. Nicky has been reliving the accident a lot in her dreams which has been disturbing her sleep, but that is getting better too.
Work has been very busy for Nicky and steady for me.
Yesterday Nicky went off to Ranui for her first Saturday quilting session of the year which she enjoyed. She hasn't seen most of the ladies for a few months. We had a real treat arrive on the post - Wensleydale cheese - sent by Mike Wall from London. Mike is coming to stay with us for a few days in a couple of weeks and had asked what he could bring. I had, tongue-in-cheeck, suggested cheese because of the horrendous price of Wensleydaledale here, but as Mike is coming via a few days in Australia he decided to try posting some just to see what happened. It took 3 days to get here and travelled very well!
We caught a bus into town late in the afternoon to go to the Chinese New Year Lantern Festival in Albert Park. Avid readers will remember we tried this a couple of years ago by car, and were stunned at the size of the crowds and never got parked, so this year we planned ahead. We enjoyed see all the displays and watched a tea ceremony and bought food from some of the many stalls on Princess Street, but after 2-3 hours we had had enough so made our way back to Queen Street and a bus home.
We have had a quiet day at home today, because the forecast sunshine hasn't materialised, but it hasn't rained. Clothes have been washed and ironed, and Nicky made us ham and cheese scones for tea which we enjoyed.
That's all for now,