The clocks went forward this weekend

It has been a much more normal week with Claire at Uny and Nicky at work. The only medical event has been my hospital visit at 7.30am on Tuesday morning to have my cyst removed. Nicky went with me as we suspected that it would be a good idea if I didn't drive home, which it was. All went well, though the wound and the stitches are a bit painful. Getting and staying in a comfortable sleeping position isn't easy, even though I have a dressing on at night.

So the bulk of our excitement has been this weekend, which hasn't been that exciting really, though the neighbours have been having a good time. The son of the household who rent Dawn and Barry's old home (which is on the other side of us) won an special All Blacks prize draw which he didn't know he had entered. The prize included a 47" TV with surround sound, and for Saturday evening's match (All Blacks v France), a marquee with big screen and "terracing" for 20 people with food and drink included! That was all set up on Friday and Saturday and seemed to go well.

Nicky and I did lots of shopping errands in BHB on Saturday morning. She needed to get her blood pressure and cholesterol medicaments renewed. I needed some bigger dressings for my back (the surgeon made a mighty incision this time) and Nicky also wanted some inter-dental brushes. We then had a quick trip into the supermarket for a few bits (the coffee that Claire and I like ( was on offer) before going off to St Lukes to take Claire her inhaler (which she had forgotten) and to buy a couple of book for gifts.

After we got back we just had time to walk down the road to have a look at a couple of houses which were for sale and one of which was being auctioned. We had received a flyer from the agent selling it and as it was local and we have not been to a house action before we though we would go and see what was involved. Not a lot in the end as the bid's didn't reach the vendors reserve, but one family was in with first dibbs. We had lunch in the sun on the deck (patio), and then I toddled off to bed for a bit as I wasn't feeling too good. Possibly too much sun - I had omitted taking a hat to the auction - it is only September, though very spring like. Saturday reminded me of our holiday in Tenerife - cool starts but you know the day will warm up by 10ish and stay warm until the sun goes down.

In the evening Nicky went off to Epsom for a school reunion at Dio - the first one she has been to since we returned to NZ. She enjoyed it very much, both the food and meeting lots of other "old girls". I stayed home, made baked bean hash (very nice 'cos it's not desperately healthy and I was allowed to put bacon in this time with Claire not eating it), and watched the All Blacks stuff the French. I was going to have a few beers too but then remembered I was on antibiotics. I didn't stay up to watch the England - Romania re-run as I already knew the score and was ready for my bed.

Today has been quiet. Nicky and I have watched a couple of DVD's which she has brought home - Tangled (Disney take on the Rapunzal story) and Saving Grace, a good English comedy staring Brenda Blethin. We enjoyed them both while doing sewing, ironing and eating. Steve has been over for Scrabble and Nicky is currently backing for commitments in the coming weeks.

Think that's all for now.

Take Care,



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