Winter Wonderland?

The weather has hit the headlines this week, due to the first snow in some parts of the country in many years. Apparently it's around 20 years since there was snow in Auckland, but it didn't fall for long or settle, but it still made the news! By Wednesday we had blue skies and sunshine, but the temperatures were still low due to the southerly wind. The good weather has continued right through the end of the week and the weekend, we even had lunch and much of the afternoon on the deck yesterday. (I don't usually call it the deck as it is made of concrete and I associate decks with wood, but there you go).

What hasn't made the national news is the ducks. A pair of ducks seem to have adopted our garden and drive way this week. The usually appear in the afternoon and settle themselves in a good spot on the grass or on the deck looking in through the ranch sliders.

We had a brief visit from John this week. He flew up from Nelson on Friday afternoon and Claire and I met him at the airport. On Saturday I took him into town to join a tour of the North Island. He seems to be enjoying himself and is getting over having a cold earlier this week.

Other than that it has been a routine week of work for Nicky and Claire, and I have done a couple of Mac jobs too. Yesterday morning Nicky helped about 50 other people with the Blockhouse Bay clean-up in preparation for the Rugby World Cup. Then today she went to prison with her church outreach team. The rest of the weekend has been laundry, pottering round the house, and reading in the sun which has been good.

That's all for now, take care,


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