We are not mentioning the Tri Nations match!!!!!

Well where do I start? It has been such an uneventful week I don't know quite where to begin!

Nicky has had another good but busy week at work. She went to the Central Auckland Library on Thursday with some of her colleagues for a tour which she enjoyed. Claire has been in end of term mode with the first half of this semester coming to a close with the usual assignment deadlines. She now gets a couple of weeks off. I have had a little Mac work and have also been to see the people who run the elections, to see about helping with the running of the general election in November. It was the first time that I have actually met a bone fide Returning Officer.

The weekend however has been much more fun. Yesterday was cleaning and laundry along with Dawn and Barry re-sealing the shower in Claire's bathroom as one of theirs has started to leek so they wanted to check ours. I did the camera club newsletter and we squeezed in some reading-about with Nicky finishing another Lee Child and me starting on Bertie Plays the Blues, the most recent addition to Alexander McCall-Smith's "44 Scotland Street" series. Then in the evening we had a long and enjoyable wallow in the hot pools at Parakai. This gave us the opportunity to use some of the new section of SH18 which Claire has been enjoying for the last week or two.

Today Nicky was a minder at the Storylines festival for the third year running. I dropped her at the museum at a bit after 8 this morning, and drove out to Whatipu to have a wander up and down the beach for a few hours. Nicky had a great but tiring time, I had a lovely time and more sun than I expected, along with some sea mist was was fascinating to watch move down the beach. Whatipu is a very big beach, long and wide with dunes on the east side, and I had chance to explore more today. It was refreshing and uplifting and I should do it more often.

Steve came over for Scrabble late this afternoon, and then this evening I have been into town to collect John. He returned from Wellington on the Overlander train, and is have the rest of the week with us before flying back to the UK on Friday.

The weather is trying to convince us that spring is on the way, with sunny days and warmer winds, but I'm not convinced. I think winter still has a thing or two up its sleeve, even thought we seem to be having a better August than England.

That's all for this week, take care



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