August Winter Wonderland

Our major headlines this week are the weather and the fact that we have had light news week, apart from the USA's credit rating of course. Apparently it is now the same as New Zealand's but their's is on the way down and our is possibly on the way up?

The dry and sunny weather of last Sunday has continued for most of the week. We had some rain on Friday (and today) and yesterday was cloudy, but other than that it has been hard to believe that we are in the depths of winter. There have been a couple of occasions when it has been warm enough for me to walk up to the shops in a t-shirt. The southerly wind has still been nippy at times but the warmth of the sun has kept the heater switched off for most of the day.

Nicky has been as busy as ever at work. Claire has been busy with University too, but has had another relapse with her cold/infection and had Wednesday in bed. I have had a smidge of Mac work. On Thursday I was seen by the General Surgical Consultant (a very nice man who knew where Loughborough was!) about my cyst and he is going to excise it. I should get an appointment in about 6-8 weeks.

Yesterday Nicky and I had a very lazy morning as it was the fist time in a few years that we have had no commitments first thing on a Saturday morning. Normally one of us is taking Claire to work by 8.15, and for the last two weeks we have either been at the airport for 6am (collecting John S) or the Britomart train station in town for 7am (delivering John S). Ryan was on taking Claire to work duty, and the weather didn't look good enough to induce us to rush to the utility room and put the washing on.

In the afternoon we drove into town to visit the new Winyard Quarter in the Viaduct basin. It has been refurbished in time for the Rugby World cup and it was opened yesterday. It provides Auckland with an excellent waterfront facility which will be enjoyed for many years. While there I also took Nicky to the Maritime Museum to show her the bits which really impressed me when I went with John the other week, and because it's free for locals!

Today has been a gentle pottering day with sewing and laundry and watching some more Morse on DVD which Ros has loaned us. Steve and Ros came over for Scrabble this afternoon and we had crumpets for tea.

That's all for this week, take care.



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