Onwards, upwards and outwards

One way and another, it has been a bit of a week.

Monday: Quite a sunny day. Cool but fresh. Nicky at work. Claire (health now improving) pottering about and going off to the National Archive near the airport for what turned out to be a very positive visit. Nice people, interesting place, good advice. Possible post-University career. Me back to the Doctor. Finished the last of my second batch of antibiotics on Sunday night, but my cyst had been leaking again over the weekend. Third course of antibiotics prescribed. In the afternoon I went into town to take some pictures for the photo competition as the sun set. Had great fun doing the Ferry Building and a few other "Auckland Icons". Got back home and had pizza which Claire had made for us before going off to the camera club monthly meeting.

Tuesday: Not quite as sunny, more showers, colder. Nicky at work again and her last night of doing desserts at for the Alpha course at Church. Claire running erands including going into work to ask if she would be considered for promotion as one of the supervisors is leaving next week. She went round to Asheya's for dinner. I went into town again in the morning to take some more photos. Got very cold on the bus going in and didn't get warm so only spent an hour or so on Symonds Street and the University. Felt a bit better in the afternoon once I got warm. Quiet evening with both of the girls being out.

Wednesday: Much wetter and colder and windy. Major storm system in the vicinity for the next three days. Nicky at work again. Big wigs came for a breakfast meeting but nothing new was learned. Claire had most of the day with girl friends which included shopping and pub quiz in the evening. I zipped off first thing to do some work and was able to put a temporary fix in place while trying to figure out the source of the problem. Becky came over in the evening to watch HP7 part 1 on DVD before seeing HP7 part 2 on Saturday. Dinner was fine, but Nicky slept through much of the film and I missed most of it as the world decided to fall out of my bottom in an unpleasant way. I felt quite bad and took to my bed early. The following morning I was 2kg lighter. I think the antibiotics are getting to me.

Thursday: Claire home alone as her parents head into town to see the very last Harry Potter film in 3D on the big screen at the IMAX on Queen Street. I was still feeling delicate from the night before so we didn't have a Hogwarts breakfast in town as we had planned, but Claire took us down to the train station as the rain was still torrential. We really enjoyed the film. End of an era. Roll on Pottermore. We grabbed a quick bite of lunch when we got back home (train and daughterly taxi service again) and headed off to the Doctor's for appointments for each of us. He told me to reduce my antibiotics from 3 to 2 a day, and gave me a prescription for some more for when these run out to take if it still looks infected. Nicky to continue draining and dressing. We were both prescribed some major antibiotics to take together to combat a bacterial infection which Nicky has. No alcohol for 3 days before or after, and take them at a weekend as the following day we will feel rough - as if we have a very bad hangover. Claire off to work and came home with the news that she has been promoted to a Supervisor, starting on Saturday. Yippe!!! This means she will start earlier but have a shorter shift on Saturdays, and her Thursday evening duty will move to Friday. This will really bugger up my wheelie bin routine.

Friday: Took Nicky off to Green Lane Clinical Centre for an ultra sound. Possible fibroids found. This and treatment to be confirmed at next appointment on Tuesday. I dropped Nicky at work and then went off to do a Mac job, which with a donation from Claire means I have been able to pay for the two new front tyre's for Lilly which I had fitted late Friday afternoon. She feels a lot better with her new boots. Claire had the day at home and cooked diner for us again. Wether still cold and wet.

Saturday: Took Claire to work and then went off to meet my fellow camera club members who were in the team for the competition which we had entered. Our task was to select our six images. It didn't take as long as I thought and was back home for lunch. Nicky had been doing much laundry, cooking HP goodies for the evening, and getting ready for Monique (who she used to work with) coming over for soup for lunch. N spent the rest of the afternoon cooking while I went to bed feeling pretty crap. Kim brought Shani and Tai over later in the afternoon, and N had many cuddles with Tai who I guess is about 8 week old now. Nicky and Shani departed not long after Kim and Tai with pumpkin pasties, chocolate frogs and treacle tart heading for Mt Albert. They collected Tim and Katie and met up with Steve and Ros at Becky's before going to an evening showing of HP7 part 2 in 3D. A good time was had by all seven. I had a nice quiet evening at home, feeling somewhat better. Just before bedtime Nicky and I took our dangerous antibiotics and toddled off to bed. Weather improving. Bit warmer, quite a bit of sun, few showers.

Sunday: Glorious sunny day. Nicky went off to Church even though she felt like she had had a major night on the town. Proper hang over - headache and vomiting. I only felt slightly fuzzy so went off for a walk as I have not done one all week. When I got back Nicky was home with half the congregation supping tea and coffee. They departed and I had a shower. The sun was so warm I didn't put any clothes on until late afternoon and then it was only because I needed some comestibles from the supermarket in order to make Parkin for next week. It was so warm this afternoon we had the ranch sliders open to cool the lounge down - and it's winter time - and such a contrast from earlier in the week when it felt very wintery. I don't know if I am getting acclimatized to the NZ weather or it is the infection which I am dealing with at the moment, but I am finding the cold weather more taxing than I have before. Nicky put our winter quilt on the bed when she changed it yesterday and I was pleased to have it.

No idea what Claire and Ryan have been up to today, but that has been our week.

Take care,


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