Finishing the week with a party

What with one thing and another it has been a busy week.

On Tuesday Rachel Rhodes, a school friend of Claire's, arrived again (she has been to stay with us before - she has been working in Queenstown for a year as part of her degree). Her flight was delayed due to a mechanical problem with the plane so she didn't arrive until early evening, and went straight off again with Claire to a pub quiz. During conversation on Wednesday evening we discovered that Rachel really likes roast dinners and hasn't had one for ages, so on Thursday I went and bought a lovely piece of beef, which we thoroughly enjoyed. Rachel and Claire had a quick trip to Mission Bay for ice creams on Thursday before Claire went off to work, and then on Friday had the morning out at Dress Smart followed by a good lunch at a café in Mangere, while also enjoying the sunshine. Rachel departed for Fiji on Saturday so Nicky and I took her to the airport and we all had a wander round for awhile. It took Nicky and I some time to realise how much the airport has changed recently and the the number of shops and range of goods available has really diminished. We will see Rachel just once more before she returns to the UK later this month.

Thursday was also a major shopping day to get the necessary's for Claire and Ryan's Engagement Party on Sunday. This went very well, with an excellent range of fantastic food as usual. Nicky's casata made with Kohu Road ice cream being the piece of resistance for me. Both families were well represented and a number of Claire and Ryan's friends also joined us. It was a very nice way to mark the occasion.

I have been going to Green Lane Clinical Centre every day this week to see a District Nurse and get my cyst drained and dressed. It has improved significantly with these ministrations, and the pain killers and antibiotics. I have finished one course of antibiotics today and start the next course tomorrow. My GP has referred me for excision of the the cyst otherwise this is just going to keep happening. It wasn't until I started to feel better on Thursday and Friday that I realised just how unwell I had been feeling earlier in the week. I even took to my bed on Wednesday afternoon. The nurse on Friday felt that the wound had improved enough that they didn't need to see me over the weekend, and that I could remove the dressing and have a proper shower!!! Yipee!. So, she gave me supplies and Nicky has dressed it for me each day.

Other than than, it has been a routine week with Nicky at work and Claire enjoying her time off from University. I haven't had any work but I have had a few phone calls which may lead to something.

The weather at the beginning of the week was rubbish - cold and wet, but the skies cleared on Wednesday night and since then we have hardly seen a cloud until today. The sun has been wonderful and gorgeously warm, it's just a bit chilly overnight. June in Auckland this year has been the warmest and wettest on record. It is not that we have had that many wet days, but when it has rained it has been very heavy.

Claire and Ryan have just left after helping us clear up after lunch and so we are putting our feet up and watching some telly.

That's all for now, take care.


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