A few special events

We have had a number of significant events this week. Mike Cox and his friend Tom arrived Monday lunchtime to spend their last few days in NZ with us, before returning to the UK via a week in Fiji. They spent Monday afternoon sorting out travel plans and money for Fiji. On Tuesday they met up with some of the trip organisers that they came over with and some of the other travellers, and then on Wednesday had a quiet day preparing to leave. They both seem to have enjoyed their months in NZ. On Wednesday it was our 26th wedding anniversary. As this coincided with Mike and Tom's last day in NZ we had steak and garlic chicken with courgette provençal and mushrooms in a white wine sauce for dinner. The sauce didn't turn out quite right so I need to do a bit of research to figure out what I did wrong, but the winter pudding went down very well. The treacle tart and golden slices also worked out quite well as they were not too sweet. We had the last bottle of excellent Champagne which...