A wetter week

We have had a slightly quieter week this week. Claire has been on study leave and did exams on Tuesday and Wednesday. Her last one is next week. Nicky has had another full and busy week at work, especially Friday. Along with working Friday evening, during the day Len Brown, the SuperCity Mayor, was doing his "Mayor in the Chair" outside the library, and inside a graphic designer was doing a special event for over 50 school children. Nicky was very pleased to get home and put her feet up. I have been doing some Mac work at home this week on some old kit for a customer, and just one on-site job which took most of the middle of the day on Saturday. I have also had to restructure our network here due to a possible equipment failure - I think my AirPort Extreme might be dying.

On Monday evening I was at the monthly camera club meeting, and then on Tuesday I was modelling at Western Springs again. This was even more enjoyable than last week and I came home feeling quite invigorated. Sometimes modelling is a bit like having a good work out. Nicky was also catering up at church again on Tuesday, and then on Wednesday Claire went straight to Ryan's after her exam. Claire also did an extra duty at Whitcoulls on Friday evening (after having had the day with a friend and ex-Whitcoulls staffer) so the three of us have not had a whole evening together this week. Claire and I had a trip out to Ellerslie on Thursday to do some investigation into a new business venture which I am thinking about. More on this in the weeks to come if things start to come together.

The weather has been cooler, and quite a bit wetter this week, giving us the usual drying laundry headache. Nicky spent most of yesterday on laundry and ironing duty while I was out, and then has been to prison with the outreach group today. Steve came over for Scrabble and I made some desserts for next week's visitors - Winter Pudding which is like Christmas pudding but without the brandy, and a treacle tart which I have been wanting to try making for ages. The recipe made at least twice as much filling than required for the flan dish, so I will get inventive with the surplus tomorrow - treacle brownies perhaps.

That's all for now. More about our visitors next week when they have been and gone.
Take care,


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