Down Memory Lane

It's been a bit of a "heads down" sort of week, though not to avoid the rain too much, thankfully. Nicky has been well and has had another full week at work. Claire has been slaving over hot assignments, and I have had some work to do.

Socially we have had a quiet week apart from yesterday, which was very busy for Nicky. She got up early to make a birthday cake for Mary Drillion's 98th, and then delivered it to her after dropping Claire off at work. She had a chat with Mary for awhile though I understand it was somewhat cyclic as Mary's memory is on the wane. Then she went of for a mammogram, which even though it was in the same suburb as where Mary lives took awhile to get to.

Nicky had time for a quick natural break once she got home before Stella, Lucy and Katie collected her and went of to Kim's baby shower. This had been organised at a friend's house and along with much conversation, excellent food and exchange of gifts and stories, also included games and quizzes. Apparently, it was quite good fun.

On her return Stella gave a Nicky a couple of paintings and a suitcase which Grant had retrieved from their attic. Nicky had left it with them before going to England - in 1977! Opening the suitcase was like opening a time capsule. It was mainly clothes and fabrics, but everything had a memory associated with it, so it took while to unpack. Fortunately this didn't interfere with collecting Claire as Ryan was doing that duty.

Today Nicky has washed all the clothes and fabrics, along with all our other laundry as the weather has been lovely and sunny. We have been enjoying "Britain's Best Drives" with Richard Wilson which Ros has loaned us on DVD and look forward to doing some of them whenever we get back to England.

That's all for now.
Take care,


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