Naomi & Doug's Wedding

The day dawned quite cloudy even though the forecast was good, and by the time we left Mt Albert after collecting Stella, we started to have the odd spot of rain. However, once we left SH1 and started heading west the sky cleared and by the time we reached Castaways the sun was more out than in. It only took us 50 minutes to get there, much less than we had expected, so we were able to enjoy a relaxing cup of tea (no scones with jam and cream though) as we waited for others to arrive for the 4pm ceremony.

Castaways is set on a cliff top with its main function building overlooking a grassy area which leads down to the edge of the cliff. This is where the ceremony took place, and a number of post-ceremony photos were taken before the bridal group headed down to the beach for more photos. The wedding breakfast was served inside after sunset, and was punctuated with more speeches than Nicky and I have experienced at a wedding before.

Naomi's dress was quite stunning, Doug looked quite dashing, and both sets of parents looked very proud. It was the fist time I had been to an outdoor wedding, and even though the ceremony was taken by an ordained celebrant, it was quite informal. Not every body was seated (by choice) and there was no music. A really nice touch was the the confetti. Each seat had a paper cone full of rose petals to throw over the bride and groom as they left the alter.

After the ceremony while pictures were being taken we were served drinks by the Castaways staff, and mingled and enjoyed the late afternoon sun. The wedding breakfast of mushroom crepes or fish chowder followed by chicken, rack of lamb, or fried rice was served by the very hard working staff to us sat at tables of 8 or 9. Dessert was platters pecan slices and fresh fruit with a dark chocolate fondue dip.The recurring theme throughout the wedding were the yellow tulips - the ones on the cake being real, not icing.

The meal was concluded, cake cut and Doug and Naomi lead the dancing at around 10pm, by which time we were all very tiered so we didn't stay for cake but headed home after having had a gentle and enjoyable time. Below are a few photos, and also a video clip in the post below.



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