Interesting end to the week

On the whole it has been a regular sort of week until the weekend. Nicky has had a full week at work, Claire has been working hard to complete assignments before the Easter break, and I have had some Mac work too. The weather, also until the weekend, has been great; sunny days with not too much wind and not too hot. Great warm autumn days. Saturday however was very wet, and we have had a couple of showers today.

I had camera club on Monday night and got top marks for one of my photographs. Nicky invited a young work college round for dinner on Tuesday evening to help him make a computer buying decision. She also had life group on Wednesday evening. Claire was working at Whitcoulls on Thursday evening, and then on Friday evening Nicky and I went up to church for an International Food Evening. People had been asked to bring a dish reflecting their geographical origins. Nicky made feijoa sorbet and fresh feijoas. I made Yorkshire puddings stuffed with vegetable curry and topped with black pudding. I had not tried this combination before but it worked well and seemed to be very popular. We had a great range of foods and enjoyed meeting everybody we had chance to chat too.

On Saturday morning Nicky and zipped into Parnell to buy a case from Ubertec for Nicky's iPad and keyboard. When we got back she popped round to Dawn and Barrie's (next door) to show them our photos from Naomi and Doug's wedding. She came back feeling giddy and unwell. She went to bed but wasn't getting any better so I called an ambulance because I thought she might be having another TIA. On the way to Auckland General she had an episode in the ambulance. She had another one a couple of hours later while in Emergency, and stayed in hospital overnight. The data which was collected while she was having these two episodes has led the neurological consultant to conclude that she had not had TIA's, but migraine equivalent attacks, which present in a very similar way to TIA's. We feel this is generally goods news. We now need to see if we can spot a pattern of something which triggers the attacks. The consultant has also changed her medication slightly taking her off the blood thinners.

So, we will see how things go with work and health and having a bit of a break over the long Easter weekend too.

Take care,


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