Hot sticky weather

Well, that's January over and done with then. Monday was Auckland Anniversary day (a public holiday). Nicky was having a pretty good day so we went to see Ruth in the afternoon, and then had a very nice ice cream and stroll along Kohimarama beach.

Nicky has again had good and bad days so we have been taking each one as it comes. I have had a little Mac work and Claire has done some extra time at Whitcoulls, but that is now tailing off.

On Friday Nicky and I popped to the airport to collect Jancis and Nel who are visiting from the UK. Jancis is running the listening course that Nicky is hoping to go on in a couple of weeks.

Today has been one of Nicky's best days for ages, so much so that she wanted to do something to celebrate, so I took her out for lunch. I have started a file of "Brunch reviews" from the weekend newspaper supplements which Ros gives us. We picked Tongue & Groove in Birkenhead on the North Shore. Nicky had Warm Lamb salad and a tropical smoothie. I had BLAT (bacon, lettuce, avocado and tomato in toasted Turkish bread) with fries and a mango smoothie. Very good, we really enjoyed it.

Afterwards we drove down to the Birkenhead ferry terminal and had a pleasant wander and enjoyed the views of the habour, bridge and CBD. We then drove on to Kauri Point Centennial Park and walked down towards Kendall Bay. The weather has been hot and humid for the past few days so we wandered back to the car and Nicky had a rest before Steve and Ros came over to play Scrabble.

And I think that's it for this week. Quiet and a hint of improvement.

Bye for now,


gillie said…
Hi all,
Hope you are all well and that Nicky is making steady progress. Keep taking the pills Nicky. You remember Patrick had TIA and a slight stroke 11 years but recovered but still has to take the pills but that's a small price to pay.

Toby at present is in Budapest and has just come back from another bout of travelling in Turkey, Armenia and Georgia, where they saw Mt Ararat. I looked up Mt Ararat on the web and apparently last year some people found the remains of an arc some 4700 years old were found beneath the ice. O course some people say that it is the original Noah's Arc. A web site called something like Mt Ararat Noahs Arc has some great footage.

Keep taking the pills.
love from Gillie

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