Back to work

Nicky has had a really good week this week, and gone back to work part-time. She is still not "back to normal", but is having longer and more periods of feeling OK. With her having missed out on her two weeks holiday, we have tried to do few things this week.

On Tuesday the three of us went to the Morris and James pottery in Matakana to choose a wedding gift for Naomi and Doug. We selected a deep blue platter with pohutukawa flowers. While we were there, I suggested to Nicky that we choose something for each other for a joint Valentines Day gift. After agreeing it would also be a joint wedding anniversary gift for later this year, we choose a sentinal in red and white:

After packing our purchases carefully into the boot of the car, we drove on to Omaha and had a stroll along the beach before returning home.

On Wednesday we had a family outing to Ponsonby as Claire wanted to go to Nosh (an up-market supermarket) and it gave us the opportunity to wander up and down Ponsonby Road and visit a great card shop.

Nicky and I also went to see the GP on Wednesday morning, and he was happy to let her go back to work part-time. She has done 8 hours this week (Thursday and Friday afternoon), will do 12 next week, and increase by 4 hours each week if she feels OK to do so, until she gets back to her normal 40 hours. She has been working in New Lynn library this week, which is much less hectic than Ranui, and also closer to home. The gentle return to work has been greatly appreciated.

Claire had a fun day on Monday. She had planned to go ice skating with a couple of friends at the rink in Avondale. When they got there they discovered it was closed for renovation. So, they went of to Botany Downs to another establishment run by the same company. Their EFTPOS was down, but this wasn't discovered until after Claire had requested "premium" boots and didn't have enough cash to pay to extra cost. Due the the circumstances she was given the premium boots for the standard boot price, so was very pleased. After the skating they had a wander round the Botany Downs shopping centre, a first for Claire.

In between all this, I have also had a couple of Mac jobs, and we have been enjoying some good, sunny weather.

Today, Sunday, we have had another fun day. After Nicky got back from church she made some scones and we put a picnic lunch together, then drove off to Howick. We delivered Naomi and Doug's wedding gift (and Nicky sneaked in a couple of cuddles with Alex) before going up to Eastern Beach to have our lunch and some time in the sun. We were able to park easily even though the beach was busy.

Auckland managed 28°C in the shade today and though we were not in the shade on the beach the sun was lovely. After a sufficient repose we called in to see Mary Drillien and gave her some of the scones. We chatted for about an hour before returning home.

According to the weather forecast it should be a bit cooler tonight - 18°. Hay ho.

Bye for now,


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