Two shoes, new shoes, plus another pair
Even thought it has been another quiet week, it has had it's excitement. Claire has done a couple of extra days at Whitcoulls; I haven't had any new Mac work though I do have some booked for next week; and Nicky had a couple of good days on Wednesday and Thursday.
Nicky is actually using her annual leave at the moment so that she still gets paid as she has run out of sick leave entitlement. With her having a good day on Thursday I suggested we go to St Lukes when taking Claire to work for 5, have a bite to eat, and go and see "The Kings Speech" at the cinema. She was amenable to this. We had a good selection of Chinese food in the food court, a pleasant surprise in meeting Helen and Warwick in the cinema foyer, and greatly enjoyed the film.
Nicky has had a flurry of letters and phones calls this week to arrange her neurologist consultation. The initial arrangement ended up being on Feb 9th at the North Shore Hospital. We though this was pretty good (on the basis that we expected it to be April or May before she was seen), until she had a phone call on Thursday morning offering a 9.30 appointment on Friday morning at Auckland General. Claire had planned to go shopping with Olivia on Friday at a place like the Designer Outlet at Junctiom 28 of the M1, so Nicky and I got the bus into town, and had a relatively short walk across the new Grafton Bridge and down Park Road to the hospital. Nicky had a very thorough examination from the neurosurgeon, who thinks she has had TIA's but wants to rule out a couple of other things. So he said she would need an MRI, an 24 heart monitor for a day, and a change of drugs from Aspirin. We got home around lunchtime and Nicky was now feeling OK but quite tired. About an hour later we had a phone call offering 3 times for the MRI scan later in the day! We opted for the first one at 4.30. Claire arrived back a little later with the car, a new little black dress, three pairs of dead posh shoes:

and news that her iPhone was on the way. It arrived in the evening, courtesy of the Ryan courier service.
Nicky and I went back to the hospital in the car, which was good as it was now raining heavily as the edge of a tropical storm was just starting to pass over Auckland. The MRI took quite awhile as they did lots of areas, and Nicky was pretty tired afterwards. However, we had a feeling of making progress.
Saturday wasn't such as good day for Nicky. She had been asked to take a quadruple dose of the new drug on Friday night, and with having had such a busy Friday it took its toll, but today she has been felling a bit better and has enjoyed Steve coming over to play Scrabble.
Now that Claire has her iPhone, I have taken temporary custody of her iPod Touch, which I have been playing with today. This has been very useful in helping get up to speed with the iPhone/iPad technology as for the first time I have been able to set one up from scratch, so I have been doing quite a bit of experimenting. As often happens with technology, the configuration you end up with depends on how you get there! It has been illuminating. I have found a neat app for making the shopping list which will also help me figure out how much I am spending in the supermarket. In theory.
Bye for now,
Nicky is actually using her annual leave at the moment so that she still gets paid as she has run out of sick leave entitlement. With her having a good day on Thursday I suggested we go to St Lukes when taking Claire to work for 5, have a bite to eat, and go and see "The Kings Speech" at the cinema. She was amenable to this. We had a good selection of Chinese food in the food court, a pleasant surprise in meeting Helen and Warwick in the cinema foyer, and greatly enjoyed the film.
Nicky has had a flurry of letters and phones calls this week to arrange her neurologist consultation. The initial arrangement ended up being on Feb 9th at the North Shore Hospital. We though this was pretty good (on the basis that we expected it to be April or May before she was seen), until she had a phone call on Thursday morning offering a 9.30 appointment on Friday morning at Auckland General. Claire had planned to go shopping with Olivia on Friday at a place like the Designer Outlet at Junctiom 28 of the M1, so Nicky and I got the bus into town, and had a relatively short walk across the new Grafton Bridge and down Park Road to the hospital. Nicky had a very thorough examination from the neurosurgeon, who thinks she has had TIA's but wants to rule out a couple of other things. So he said she would need an MRI, an 24 heart monitor for a day, and a change of drugs from Aspirin. We got home around lunchtime and Nicky was now feeling OK but quite tired. About an hour later we had a phone call offering 3 times for the MRI scan later in the day! We opted for the first one at 4.30. Claire arrived back a little later with the car, a new little black dress, three pairs of dead posh shoes:

and news that her iPhone was on the way. It arrived in the evening, courtesy of the Ryan courier service.
Nicky and I went back to the hospital in the car, which was good as it was now raining heavily as the edge of a tropical storm was just starting to pass over Auckland. The MRI took quite awhile as they did lots of areas, and Nicky was pretty tired afterwards. However, we had a feeling of making progress.
Saturday wasn't such as good day for Nicky. She had been asked to take a quadruple dose of the new drug on Friday night, and with having had such a busy Friday it took its toll, but today she has been felling a bit better and has enjoyed Steve coming over to play Scrabble.
Now that Claire has her iPhone, I have taken temporary custody of her iPod Touch, which I have been playing with today. This has been very useful in helping get up to speed with the iPhone/iPad technology as for the first time I have been able to set one up from scratch, so I have been doing quite a bit of experimenting. As often happens with technology, the configuration you end up with depends on how you get there! It has been illuminating. I have found a neat app for making the shopping list which will also help me figure out how much I am spending in the supermarket. In theory.
Bye for now,