A quiet, sunny week

We have had another quiet week, with Nicky having some good days and some bad days. On Monday and Tuesday she wasn't great, but Wednesday and Thursday she was feeling a lot brighter. So, we had a wee trip out on Wednesday and went to the rose gardens in Parnell, and strolled down to Judges Bay.

The weather was warm and sunny. On the way back we called into Caro's Wine shop to spend our Christmas vouchers. Even though we had only been out for a couple of hours, Nicky went straight to bed when we got back and slept soundly for some hours.

On Thursday Ros came over with clothes to discuss their suitability for Naomi and Doug's wedding with Nicky, and then Scrabble.

Nicky and I had a WINZ appointment on Friday morning, and then Nicky spent the remainder of the day resting. She didn't feel at all well on Saturday morning so spent the day in bed, while I did the laundry and ironing and had some time in the sun in the afternoon. She has been better today but has still been needing to rest, but enjoyed Steve and Ros coming over for Scrabble.

The weather has been really good this week, but I think we are in for some tropical storms next week, just for a bit of a change.

Bye for now,


Rachel said…
Hi Rick, have only just caught up with your blog and realised that Nicky has been poorly. Please pass on our loving thoughts to her and tell her she will be in my prayers for a full and rapid recovery.
Rachel xxx
gillie said…
Hi ricky,nick, claire from tthe youells in loughborough.

Hope that Nicky is continuing to improve. You remember that Patrick had a minor stroke 11 years. He recovered completely as you probably remember, but it did take a few months. Have lots of rest Nicky. Sunshine is great. I remember Patrick lying out in the garden snoozing. An umbrella would probably be useful.

much love from Gillie
gillie said…
Hi ricky,nick, claire from tthe youells in loughborough.

Hope that Nicky is continuing to improve. You remember that Patrick had a minor stroke 11 years. He recovered completely as you probably remember, but it did take a few months. Have lots of rest Nicky. Sunshine is great. I remember Patrick lying out in the garden snoozing. An umbrella would probably be useful.

much love from Gillie

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