Quiet First Week

We have had a very quiet week. This was Nicky's second week of annual leave but with her having had the TIA on New Years day she has not been feeling up to going out on the razzle dazzle. With Monday and Tuesday being public holidays we didn't get to see the GP until Wednesday. He was pleased that Nicky had been prescribed aspirin and statins, and added some blood pressure regulation drugs to the cocktail. He want's Nicky to have blood tests in a few weeks to see what's happening.

Nicky's boss Lachie called in on Friday afternoon to basically say that they don't want to see her back at work for awhile, so we will be back to see the GP to get her signed off for awhile. Unfortunately Nicky only has 6 hours of sick leave due to her at the moment. Once she has used this and her remaining annual leave she will have to take time off without pay. So, we will pay a visit to WINZ (Work and Income NZ) next week to see what the sickness benefit arrangements are.

We have had a constant stream of phone calls and visitors during the week from family and friends which has been great. It has not been such a deluge that we have felt overwhelmed, but we know that Nicky is in people's thoughts and prayers. Overall she feels that she has slowly been improving through the week, but she has not been so good the last couple of evenings, and she quickly can start to feel what she describes as feeble. We are aware it could be some weeks before she is back to feeling normal for most of the time.

I had a couple of Mac jobs come in on Wednesday which was good, and Claire has been back with us since then. We are trying not to leave Nicky on her own at the moment just incase anything happens.

The weather on the whole has been pretty good, though the humidity towards the end of the week was high. Then the wind must have changed because yesterday was a gorgeous summer day, sunny, cooling breeze, low humidity and temperatures in the mid-20's.

Bye for now,


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