Happy New Year

Happy New Year everybody.

Well, as some of you will have already heard, we have had an eventful start to 2011. Nicky had a suspected mini stroke yesterday, while we were out at Matakana. We had gone to visit the Morris and James pottery, wonderful stuff by the way, and then went back into Matakana village for a cup of tea. Nicky had said that she was feeling odd and in need of a sit down and a drink, but it was very busy and while I was queuing for the tea, she wandered off and found a bench to lie on. By the time I got to her with the tea she was looking very pale and started vomiting. This did not improve her demeanour, nor did drinking water, so I decided it was something more serious than food poisoning or dehydration, and when Nicky felt her speak starting to slur and she thought she might be having a stroke, I called an ambulance. The St. Johns guys arrived in 10 minutes, got her settled and into the ambulance, and then we drove off to North Shore hospital with me following in the car.

In the ambulance Nickys meniere's disease was discovered. We had completely forgotten about this because she has not had an attack for about 18 months, and never one as bad as this. The ER Doctor felt that even though most of her symptoms were consistent with her meniere's, the slurred speech, severity of the attack and family history suggested it could well have been a mini stroke, so has treated her accordingly with aspirin and a cholesterol reducing drug. Nicky was discharged and we got home about 1am.

Today she has had a very quiet day at home. She is not in any pain but her head still feels odd and she is not confident in her balance. I went and got her prescription filled this morning and she will see her GP as soon as she can when they open for business again on Wednesday. Claire and Ryan popped in for an hour or so and had lunch with us and just to check how things were. I have excitingly got laundry and ironing done with us having a lovely sunny day.

So, now I will back track to the beginning of the week. On Monday Steve came over for Scrabble after Nicky had been shoe shopping and bought other things instead. In the evening we went to see "Girl who kicked the hornets nest" at Westgate which was good. The best of the three films though still not as good as the book.

Tuesday was wet so we jigsawed - Wallace and Gromit as we have had a very W&G themed Christmas which has been great. Wednesday the weather forecast was much better, so we headed off to Uretiti, via various places on the way. The drive up was as pleasant as ever but cloudy, and it was still cloudy when we settled on the beach for our lunch at about quarter to three. By half past the wind had moved the clouds away and the rest of the afternoon and early evening was sunny and warm.

On Thursday morning I did a quick call to a customer with a failing drive in their Mac, and Claire and Ryan came over for an afternoon of games; Cluedo and Monopoly (which we haven't finished yet) followed by pizza.

New Years Eve (Friday) was general household tasks and shopping to restock the pantry and the freezer a little. There is a Thai takeaway and restaurant up the road in the Bay shops which I have been wanting to try for ages, so we gave it a try as a Eve treat and enjoyed it. Not absolutely fantastic, but good value and tasty and very convenient, so will will go there again. We watched a couple of episodes of Foyles War which Ros has loaned us, and then about 11ish drove into town to watch the New Year fireworks from the Museum. We were not the only people there (!) but there was still place to park and we had a 20 minutes to wait before midnight. The fireworks were on Sky Tower and a couple of barges in the harbour and we enjoyed the 10 minute show very much.

Even though we had had a late night, we were still up quite early on Saturday morning, to be greeted with sunny weather as the forecast had suggested. Nicky spent the morning dying some clothes and then after lunch we headed off to Matakana. The rest you know.

So, a varied week overall. Nicky is on holiday again next week which is good. We hope you all have an excellent and prosperous New Year. Bye for now,



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