Breaking with tradition

Following all the excitement of the birthday's, it has been a quieter week. Since Claire arrived 22 years ago we haven't put any Christmas decorations up before the 12th of December, and for the past few years we have been doing them on Christmas Eve (my preference). But, having bought a real tree last week which was taking up space in the garage, Claire and I broke with tradition and put it up on Monday. It took us quite a while due to having to move the hi-fi and a coffee table, and to get the lights working, but we got there in the end. It does smell nice, and it does make it feel more like Christmas.

On Wednesday evening I picked Nicky up from work, armed with a berry pavlova, and we drove up the road to one of her colleagues homes for her work Christmas doo. We had a very pleasant evening with shared food, good company, and warm, dry weather.

Other than that, Nicky has had a busy week at work as the schools start to close for the summer holidays. Claire has done some long shifts at Whitcoulls but likes the bigger pay cheques. I have only done a very small amount of Mac work, but lots of shopping and household duties.

The weather at the beginning of the week was warm and sunny, but Thursday and Friday were wet, and the weekend has been very wet with major down pours nearly all day today. Steve and Ros came over for Scrabble, and I have been reading the last book in Stig Larrson's Millennium trilogy, which I have thoroughly enjoyed. Nicky been sewing all weekend trying to get a Christmas present finished.

We'll see you on the other side of Christmas,


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