It was all my fault

I was forced to own up while at the bakers on Monday morning. The weather was cold, wet and windy. I explained to the two ladies at Bakers Delight that I had posted on my blog the night before that it looked like summer was on the way, so the change in the weather has to be entirely my responsibility. Fortunately this didn't prevent me from taking advantage of the "two large loaves and ten rolls for $6.50" offer so I came away happy.

The weather has continued in a wintery theme through most of the week, though Thursday and Friday afternoons were warm and sunny, and most of yesterday was lovely. Nicky and I sat in the sun and had lunch and read on the patio, and then Nicky took to the shade of the lounge while I did my first sunbathing of the season. Today has been back to rain. Hey-ho.

The rest of the week has been fairly routine. Nicky as busy as ever at Ranui; Claire has had her last week of lectures; and I have had a little Mac work. It has felt like quite a busy week al the same, not that I can remember why. Claire picked Shani up from school on Friday and they made M&M cookies, which went down well here and at Whitcoulls on Saturday.

Nicky has spent most of today sewing and I have enjoyed reading The Attenbury Emeralds by Jill Paton Walsh, a Lord Peter Whimsy tale. Nicky has also cleaned a large proportion of the windows over the weekend. It's going to rain next week (but it won't be my fault this time!)

Monday evening for me was the camera club AGM and I officially volunteered to take over the editing of the newsletter, and was officially accepted. It will become my pigeon in the New Year. I was surprised to see plastic pumpkins for sale in the supermarket this week, as summer is on the horizon somewhere. I thought someone had over stocked last autumn, and then remembered it is OCtober and Halloween is this month. I have not not got used to the month-season association in the southern hemisphere.

Bye for now,


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