Witches at Work
We started the week with a public holiday as Monday was Labour Day. The weather was sunny and Nicky and I had a quiet day at home. The weather has been sunny most of the week, with some cloud cover on occasions and the breeze has still been a little cool. Mike Cox (who we met at the airport last week) and his two friends came over for dinner on Tuesday, along with Ryan. It was good to meet them and get some idea of Mike's plans. He is going to be here for 9 months, wants to work (seasonal stuff) and travel. Things have improved a little for Nicky at work, though the fundamental issues still need to be resolved. Thursday was fun as the library was having some Halloween themed events, so all the staff dressed up as witches, and Nicky made some Pumpkin Pasties which went down very well. On Friday evening she went to a fair well do for Waitakere City Council - the new SuperCity starts tomorrow. Claire sat two more exams this week which went OK. Her last one is next week. I have had a c...