Shop Opening

It has been a fairly routine week this week. Nicky has been as busy as ever at work; staff changes have caused some rescheduling of the Thursday evening duties. Claire is back at Uny after her break, and I have had some Mac work which has been good.

On Wednesday evening Claire and I went to the official opening of Ubertec's new shop. This is where Ryan works and where I used to work. The shop is now in the ground floor of the villa, with the service department upstairs. It is a large and pleasant space which enables them to have more product on display and it is easier for the customers to move around. I had a good look at the iPad for the first time. A very nice piece of kit. Nibbles were provided but Claire and I had not had diner so we bought pizza on the way home which we enjoyed. Claire and Ryan have found a place in New Lynn which does wood-fired pizza's which are reasonably priced and very tasty.

On Saturday afternoon Nicky had a meeting with the prison outreach group which she has joined, and then Steve came over for Scrabble. Today Nicky and I have have been to a fund-raising afternoon tea for church, hosted by Robyn and Russell. They live out in Henderson Valley, so we had a very pleasant afternoon overall.

The weather continues to take two steps forwards and one backwards in terms of warming up and drying up, but it's getting there. The days are lengthening and the sun is getting warmer, when the clouds don't get in the way. Spring has got to be round the corner somewhere, but the forecast indicates we might be in for a bit of a wet week.

Bye for now,


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