Into March

March 1st was officially the first day of autumn, and the clear mornings are noticeably cooler, but we are still getting some very nice late summer days.

Claire is getting back into the University routine now and is getting to grips with a range of assignments. Nicky has been busy at work (as ever), Maori class, life group and quilting group. I have had a bit of Mac work this week and a very enjoyable evening out playing pool with a bunch of chaps from Nicky's church.

Nicky and I spent yesterday at home doing domestic duties, but due a good weather forecast (which turned out to be accurate) today we went up to the beach at Uretiti. We had planned to have "second breakfast" on the way, but discovered the café we were aiming for had closed. However, we still had a great day on the beach though the surf was very strong. There were not many people at the beach - we only passed one clothed couple while walking to the naturist section of the beach which seemed to be much closer to the car park than usual.

So, its been a quiet week.



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