January 10th

It has been a quiet week as NZ is now firmly into summer holiday mode. All the schools are closed until February, lots of business are closed, and trains won't be running again for another week. Monday was a public holiday due to it being New Year, so Nicky and Claire were not working but I was.

Claire did an extra day at Whitcoulls but other than that is now back to her usual routine. The library has been busy so Nicky has been fully occupied, and I have been getting on with the household duties.

Nicky and I wanted to see "The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo" at the cinema as Claire had got a free ticket from work. We have both read the book, Claire hasn't. The film has been on very limited release, just one showing a day at two of the chain of Sky City cinemas. We couldn't understand why until the film started - with sub-titles. It was a very good film but the violence, though handled well, is quite disturbing. It helped having read the book. So, that was Saturday night for Nicky and I.

We had to go to Albany to see the film, and arrived early after dropping Claire off at Ryan's. This gave us chance to have a wander through the mall where the cinema is located, and then outside where some great landscaping has been done, with lakes, water feature, walkways and grassed areas. We were surprised and impressed.

Today Nicky has been cleaning, baking and sewing, Claire has gone over to Ryan's to watch Doctor Who, and I have been reading "And Another Thing..." by Eoin Colfer, a continuation of the Hitchhikers Guide series by Douglas Adams. I quite enjoyed it.

We have been seeing and reading about the winter weather in the UK. Sitting here with blue skies and sunshine (even though there is a cool southerly breeze at the moment) snow does seem a world away. We hope all of you in the UK that read this are OK, and keeping warm and safe somehow.

Bye for now,



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