October 11th

A routine week has been had by all this week, me thinks. I have had a reasonable amount of Mac work, Nicky has had another "quieter than expected considering the schools are on holiday" week, and Claire has been studying as ever, with "end of semester" ground rush.

The weather has been reminding us that summer is not quite here yet. We have had quite a bit of rain and Thursday was decidedly chilly, but things started to clear up on Saturday and we woke to sunshine and cloudless sky today. Nicky was on muffin-making and ironing duty, and Claire was studying, but I decided to take advantage of the weather to have a stroll along the beach. I drove out to Bethalls on the west coat and walked along to O'Neills Bay. The sun and the surf was gorgeous:

June, a neighbour from Matata Street joined us for tea, but it has been a quiet week.

Bye for now,



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