August 9th

Ah August. Bit like February in England - not really. We are starting to see the first signs of spring - daffodils for example. Storms are still forecast, but the weather people are also saying the worst of winter is over. If that is the case, it has been a much more tolerable winter than last year, dryer and sunnier. We shall see.

Nicky and Claire have both had "business as normal" type weeks. I have had a really good week, earning from all three of my "income streams" - Mac support, massage and modelling. I also have a few jobs booked for the coming week, so I am hoping that these are the green shoots of my business ventures.

On Wednesday evening we had some of Nicky's work colleagues over for a bring-a-plate meal. We had a good evening and it was good for Claire and I to meet them and put faces to names.

On Saturday Nicky and I visited Earthsong in Ranui ( This is a cohousing community which also practices sustainable living with the houses they build and the way the utilise the resources of the land. It was a very interesting afternoon.

Today we have had an "old-ladies" day, with Mary, Ruth and and Marjorie coming over for lunch. (Steve also came over for Scrabble but doesn't count as an old lady).

So. On we go to another week and we will see what happens with the weather, along with everything else.


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