July 19th

Sacrebleu! and mon dieu! I almost forgot to update the blog. Just remembered when coming out of the shower. So, what's been happening this week? Well, Nicky tried going into work a couple of days but was sent home on both occasions because of not being well enough. However, now her new regime of drugs is established she is much improved and is planning to go to work again tomorrow.

Claire has had her first week back at University, and has got her timetable sorted out which does mean she gets a whole day off each week! Very handy for me as I can have the car that day for going to my massage clinic. I didn't have any customers this week but am starting to do more promotional stuff.

The major event this week has been the new Harry Potter film. Due to our various commitments we were not all able to see it together, but we have all seen it and enjoyed it. Probably the best yet.

Today we have had family over; Jenny, Steve & Ros and Pat and Clem to welcome them back to NZ after their trip to the UK for Phil's graduation. Nicky made wonderful soups and scones and more goodies were brought by the others so we had, as usual, way too much wonderful food. We also got to see Clem and Pat's pictures and get a detailed account of their trip.

Weather has been mixed this week. Some wet days and some lovely sunny days (still warm enough for jeans and t-shirt on the sunny days) though they are having snow on the south island.

Bye for now,



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