June 14th

It has been a more normal week this week, so there is not a great deal to report. Nicky has been at work as usual, but borrower numbers have be lower. This is probably a combination of weather, which has been cold and wet at times, and various bugs going round. In Nicky's Maori class, 8 people were away sick, and two more left during the evening!

It has been exam week number 1 for Claire, sitting three papers during the week. Next week she sits her final paper and then has three and a half weeks off before semester two begins. The exams have gone OK so far; I think she felt best about the history paper - no surprises there.

College is the main focus of my days at the moment as the workload increases as the end approaches. We only have one more week of formal tuition, then the last scheduled week which is theory and practical assessments. Then we have 4 weeks to complete at least 6 more assignments (there are some we haven't been given yet from the options course). Then we wait awhile, probably until mid-August, while everything is marked. If we have passed all the assessments and assignments, we can then apply for our formal and final assessment - a one hour massage of a tutor. If we pass that, we have qualified, so it could be the end of September at the earliest before I get my actual qualification.

However, one of the pieces of assessed which I have to do is to put together a business plan for a real or fictional massage business. This has to be as realistic as possible, so I have started talking to suppliers this week and have been to look at some premises. This has really helped clarify my thoughts about earning a living as a massage therapist. The numbers look quite promising, so long as I can find the customers.......the usual story with any business.

Steve and Ros came over for scrabble yesterday, and we half watched the All Blacks getting beaten by the French (because it wasn't shown live on terrestrial TV and we knew the score). We are starting to get used to the novelty of parking the car in the garage, and Nicky gave Lilly a good clean yesterday as a treat.

That's all for now. Will write again next week.



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