End of March

We have had a good week this week. So, where do we begin? Work I think.

Nicky's week has been much better. It has been a quieter and calmer week for her, but the last few weeks have taken their toll and her sleeping pattern is still erratic. On Friday there was a big meeting called for all Council employees to discuss the findings of the Royal Commission. This has been looking into the future governance of Auckland and has recommended the the current nine regional administrations be amalgamated into one "super city". The Government is very likely to accept this recommendation. This means that sometime in the next 18 months or so the Waitakere Council which Nicky works for will no longer exist. The direct implication is that she will have to re-apply for her job. We will see what happens.

Claire got her first essay back this week with an A, which she is very pleased with as it is around 2 years since she last wrote an essay. Then later in the week she did a listening test in Maori and got 100%. I also got my first assignment back (Anatomy & Physiology 1) and got 98%, which is a pass. I have also continued doing my practice massage sessions. On Friday after going to Devonport to massage Letty Dudding I picked Claire up from University and we had lunch together in the Albany Burger Fuel - very good fries.

MacOnSite is still embryonic. The telesales is generating leads but no work as yet. The new Yellow Pages book has started been distributed round Auckland this week so my advert now has a phone number in it that works again. Hopefully this will help bring some work in.

On Saturday Nicky and I started to get things sorted in the garage. We want to be able to get the car in before the winter so that we can get in and out without getting drenched by the rain, when it comes. We now have more space to work, and separate piles for things to keep, things to sort, and packaging. We have one or two other piles still...., but at least now we can see what needs to be done and have space to work in.

In the evening Claire went to a birthday party at an Italian restaurant in Mission Bay which she enjoyed. Nicky and I went to Paraki for our monthly wallow in the hot pools. It was a good end to the day.

Today I have massaged Nicky and Steve, and Nicky had a game of Scrabble with Ros. Claire has written another essay (how the film Gladiator was economical with the history), and she and I have followed the first Grand Prix of the season on the internet (we don't have Sky Sport) - very pleased that Jenson Button won.

Finally the weather. We have had hardly a cloud all week. The temperatures at night have been dropping to 11 or 12C which has made the mornings fresh, but for 7 or 8 hours during the day when the sun has been up it has been in the low 20's and gorgeous. The early morning freshness doesn't last too long, but we can tell that autumn is on the way.

Hoping all is well with you all,



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