Hot and humid

Even though it has been a week of major change for me, I have to start off with the weather. The humidity and temperature rose steadily through the week until on Thursday it was the hottest day in Auckland for 137 years! - allegedly. The official top temperature was recorded as 34C, but felt like 38C because of the humidity. The cloud cover which was hiding the sun finally turned to a good rain storm in the evening, and the mozies went mad. I think some have been cross-breading with hobbits because they had second breakfast on my left shoulder. Friday was so fresh it felt chilly, Saturday started very wet, but then today we are back to lovely warm sunshine and mid-20 temperatures.

This week I have started my massage course and become "officially" self-employed. I am in college on Tuesday's and Wednesday's each week. This week started with orientation on Tuesday morning, and then spent the rest of Tuesday and Wednesday in practical sessions. After giving and receiving 3 massages over the 2 days I was feeling quite jaded, to say the least. I did a practice massage on Nicky on Saturday to go through all the strokes we had been shown, and it took me about 2 hours. On Thursday and Friday I did some MacOnSite work with an existing customer and was able to earn my "target" for the week, so I was very pleased.

Nicky's sinusitis is much improved but the anti-biotics have disrupted her digestion and consequently her sleep. Her life group at church had its "new term" social on Wednesday - a barbecue at Helen and Warwick's house. We all went along and enjoyed both the food and company.

Claire has had a quiet week, though has managed a couple of shopping trips with friends and a party on Friday evening which has taken her much of the weekend to get over.

Our excitement at the end of the week has been to acquire a telly. Our landpersons and neighbours have bought a new TV, so have given us their old one for a very nominal fee. So, now we can watch NZ TV - and the adverts!. I haven't got out DVD player and VCR connected yet, but we are enjoying watching Top Gear and Stephen Fry in America. Maybe we will get to grips with some NZ culture at some point too.

All the best for now,



Anonymous said…
Stephen Fry in America. iz Love :)

Glad to hear everything is fine :)

Hope to have some news of Claire and Uni.


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