Guilt, thy name is chocolate mousse

I walked into the lounge the other evening, only to discover my daughter demolishing the chocolate mousse which I had made for some friends coming round for dinner. Due to having more main course than we expected, we didn't really make many in-roads into the mousse, a situation which Claire decided to remedy.

As you can see, by the time I discovered this there was little left. However, at least after having a parental chat with her that was some hint of remorse:

Aside from this traumatic event, it has been a week of beginnings and endings.

Claire had much of the day at University on Wednesday on a Course Advice day. This seems to have been lots of short workshops and presentations on a wide range of "getting to grips with University life" type subjects which she found useful and interesting. She bought some books from the University bookshop (Bennetts) and was promptly offered a job during the transaction. Bennetts are owned by Whitcoulls and therefore use the same computer system on the tills as Claire uses at work, so she would need no training - and she gets staff discount!

On Thursday I had my last day at Ubertec as I start my massage course next week. I had very mixed feelings as I was sad to be leaving but looking forward both the the course and returning to self-employment - assuming I can get some work coming in. We had some beers at the end of the day which was low key, suitable and a very pleasant way to depart. It is not "good-bye" as I hope to be seeing them regularly to fix the Macs that need hardware repairs which I can't do.

Nicky has been very conscious of her Uncle Geoff's death this week, and her thoughts and prayers have been with the family in Guernsey and the UK. She was pleased to organise some flowers for Bar from a local St. Peter Port florist after many failed phone calls.

We have had another 4-day working week as Friday was Waitangi Day. The weather has blessed us with three glorious days of hot sun. The picture below is of the air recycling system in the house. The top number is the temperature in the roof space, and the middle number the temperature in the house. This is located in the hallway, probably the coolest part of the house as it gets no direct sun.

So, Nicky and I have had three leisurely days at home (though as usual Nicky does a lot more than me), Claire spent the day with friends on Friday and was working yesterday.

We have seen a few pictures of the snow in England and we remember the last time it was this heavy - the week of Claire's 2nd birthday. We were without water and electricity for three days, but had a gas fire and gas cooker, so ended up cooking the contents of many friends and neighbours freezers. Claire thoroughly enjoyed the snow. It doesn't feel like February here to me, more like a 12-week "August as it's supposed to be" in England. Somebody at work was bemused the other day when they were talking about something happening in a couple of months and I asked exactly when in September this event would occur? I supposed I will get used to the months and their weather in the end.

Bye for now,


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