Feb 22nd

It has been another busy week here in Blockhouse Bay. Nicky has done here usual 40 hours at Ranui Library, seen the physio about her shoulder, quilted with the ladies who quilt on a Thursday evening, and did a Saturday morning shift to fill in for a colleague.

Claire has had a couple of days on Campus doing a Flying Start course. This aim to arm new undergrads with what they need to know about the university and studying, in preparation for term starting next week. Claire has found it interesting and useful, though a little daunting in terms of the essay writing expectations. However, we are sure she will get to grips with these once she gets started.

I have completed the second week of my massage course and passed my first practical assessment. This was more related to set up and "managing the client" than actual massage, but it means I have passed M1: Massage Stage One. Only 4 more to go!

Claire and I did a big shop together for the first time in ages which was good. We also managed to procure a cable to connect our UK DVD player to our recently acquired NZ TV, so we can now watch DVD's again. We are looked at the cost of a multi-region played to give us more flexibility and they are a reasonable price (around $160) so at some point in the future one will be bought.

On Saturday Gail and Steve, their two children Anna and Matt, and Gails' father Neil Turner came over for diner. Nicky was 6 when her family moved to Epsom and became neighbours of the Turners. Gail and her sister Carol (who now lives in Christchurch) have been friends of Nicky's ever since, so it was good to finally have them over and have the evening together.

The weather has turned wet and humid again at the end of the week, but the forecast suggests improvements and it is still warm.

Bye for now,



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