Back to work

It has been back to work for me this week. I can't say the same for Nicky and Claire as they didn't get as much time off as me. Transport has been interesting as there are no trains at the moment while some stations are rebuilt and new tracks laid. Buses have been provided as an alternative which almost run to timetable and have introduced me to parts of Auckland I haven't seen before.

I have handed my notice in this week and will finish at Ubertec on Waitangi Day, February 6th. This is a public holiday so my last day will actually be the Thursday.

On Wednesday we had the vicar, her mother and brother over for diner. The weather was good so we barbecued and had a very pleasant evening. We had honey and garlic steak, lamb steaks, and chicken teriyaki kebabs cooked over yet another type of charcoal which I bought to try. It was the most successful yet and not the most expensive so I will use it again.

Rachel, my niece, has returned from her trip to the South Island today, so we plan to spend the evening looking at her photos and videos after Claire has returned from Whitcoulls and we have had diner.

The weather has been very good for most of the week, and the flies have been really enjoying it, but some rain arrived yesterday afternoon and the beginning of next week looks a little unsettled.

Bye for now,


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