Christmas 08

It has been a busy week with a quiet end. Nicky and I were both working to the end of Christmas Eve, Claire has recovered from her cold sufficiently to be back at work at Whitcoulls, and Rachel (my niece) arrived from England on Tuesday.

Claire and Rachel started putting up the Christmas decorations on Christmas Eve which I assisted with when I got home from work while Nicky was cooking. It was a pleasant though busy evening.

On Christmas Day we managed both breakfast and present opening before visitors began to arrive, almost en masse. Rachel had a chat with her parents just after having a shower, and was very pleased that it was warm enough to be outside on the drive wearing just a towel!. The day was warm with sunny spells, which was very helpful so people could spill outside.

The food, as ever, was great in quantity and excellent in quality - cold turkey, ham, salmon; lamb, rice and potato salad; barbecued sausages and steak, and other things which I can't remember. Desserts were just as varied and my Christmas pudding went down very well. Even though it was hectic, is was very good to see everybody even though there were quite a few people with whom I only had chance to exchange a few words. By late afternoon it was just us and Steve and Ros, so Scrabble was tiled and Rachel and I had an evening stroll.

Boxing Day was a warm and sunny day. Rachel, Claire and Nicky went to the cinema, did some shopping at St. Lukes, and picnicked on Narrow Neck beach before going to North Head. I stayed at home, being domestic and having some piece and quiet in the sun.

On Saturday Nicky (in the morning) and Claire were both at work, and Steve took Rachel to Rangitoto by kayak and they had an excellent day. Nicky and I went to the beach at Orpheus Bay even though the weather was cloudy. By the end of the afternoon the sun was out and we had a lovely afternoon, which was only marred by me slipping on the rocks and grazing my left forearm.

Today Rachel has departed for a 48 tour to the Bay of Islands, so we took her into town and had a wander through some of the shops after waving her off. She is back on Tuesday and then off to the South Island on Wednesday. Nicky and Claire both have work commitments this week so I shall be house husband again - what fun!

Below are some pictures from Christmas Day. Bye for now, Rick


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